Saturday, January 15, 2011

New EPF Gadget

In early 2011, Gary decided to build a gadget called the System-Defender. How does it work? Its a game! If you look below you can a screenshot of the game. Its a bit tricky, and you have to attack the oncoming intruders. You can earn lots of coins in short time, but it takes a lot of skill. As you can see, my high score was about a 0, and I am one of those 'un-skilled' people...
Hope you liked the screenshot and please check back for more awesome CP Updates!! (:

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Coins for Change Results!

Hey guys (: Thanks everybody for doing the Coins for Change, it really means buisiness! Read on to find out the results of the big hit Coins for Change on CP!!!

  • $ 300,000 for building safer places!

  • $ 340,000 for providing medical help!

  • $ 360,000 for providing Earth protection!

Total: $ 3,700,000 !

You guys gave over 1 million dollars in total!! Good job everybody!! =D