Sunday, July 31, 2011

CP Street is back and running!

Dear CP Street Fans,

Have you been wondering what happened to the website? Well we had a temporary problem that is now fixed and we will be making almost-daily posts on Club Penguin! CP Street needs more followers! To those who have a Google Account, please sub our blog! We might close if we get less views! I know we have lots of international viewers (ignore the worldwide widget, it's not up to date..) So I'm going to post this in various languages!

To the Spanish:
CP Street necesita más seguidores! Para aquellos que tienen una cuenta de Google, sub nuestro blog!



Эй, ребята, нам нужно больше подписчиков сайта .. пожалуйста, внимание и подписаться! Также Вы можете пойти на переводчика Yahoo перевести это весь сайт на русский язык!

Please request other languages (: 

Monday, July 18, 2011

I'm baaaack!

Hey it's me Star I had another month break :( So sorry! But now I am back to posting! Keep on viewing and again I'm so sorry! D: I hope I didn't lose too many viewers! :O I'll make a post today!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Jam Time!

Yesterday, June 17th, was the official starting date of the 2011 Music  Jam. Some people may think of the Music Jam as a great time to advertise your igloo, another group may think it's a great time to make friends and just talk. Or, if your not the social type or the creative type, then just to sit around and enjoy all the crowd! Many people have been searching everywhere for the Penguin Band. And if you're one of those people, we just made it a whole lot easier for you. :) Go to the trackers page! And actually, I saw the Penguin Band , and it was pretty cool. :) For a tip, the PB  performs at the ice-berg every 30 minutes. So if you want to see them, I'd start waiting! I just happened to see them by luck.. Somebody at the town was saying 'Penguin Band At Iceberg!' I didn't really believe it at first, but there were tons of penguins and then I saw this little berg float by, with the PB on it. I was really shocked. The only thing different was:  You don't get a Penguin Band background! Unlike their other appearances, you cannot 'click' on them and receive a background. Below, I posted a picture of the PB

Penguin Band

پنگوین بند     

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Waiting for the Music Jam...

Okay.. In case you were wondering why I kept saying this !!!!!!... the ! thingy means the exclamation mark although it does look like an L. Well anyways back on topic: Everybody on the server Abominable is just dancing and waiting for the 2011 Music Jam to begin. (Including me, ha.) Well I took two pictures of the mob, one was at 10:10 and the other was at 10:17.. So you can obviously see the .... er.. dramatic change in between each pic. Come and join the mob on server Abominable!


7 minutes later... Isn't it weird how you see the same people in the seem pic? XD

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

New Puffle Look!

Hey! I was just messing around with my igloo today and then I got really freaked out. My puffle kept changing looks. It went from this new look, to the old look. It was very strange!

Ha, that's my puffle, Luna, with her new look. Then she kept changing looks from old to new and I was like WHAT THE HECK!? So yeah, if your puffle is doing that glitch, don't be alarmed. =P CP is probably working on getting it to look new permanently.

Check out the new Creative page!


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Did You Know?

There are lots of things some people don't know about. Most details people don't really know. Here are some details 85% of CP residents didn't know about.

 Here is a list of things you probably didn't know

- You can check your progress on Card Jitsu (Water and Fire)
- There is a penguin shadow on the photo frame in the ski lodge.
- When you throw snowballs at the machine in the recycling plant, it turns into garbage
- You can walk under the chat bar
- If you have a small igloo, your puffles can walk on walls
- You can poke, pet, and tickle your puffle.

Those are just some details that you might not have known about CP. If you do know any of those things, that means you are one of the 15% of penguins that know. :)

Sunday, June 12, 2011


Take the poll below! :) Tell me if you like Old CP or New CP! Personally, I like old CP because back then it was so FUN. The hoodies, the pins, the awesome places. The BEST igloo decorations. Now there is junky stuff in the clothing catalogs. No offense, but aren't you guys tired of the funky costumes? I wish that there could be more everyday-wear stuff. Flip flops, tee shirts, bracelets or necklaces. Stuff like that. Not a knight costume or a princess costume. So anyways enough negativity. Please check out the rest of this AWESOME BLOG! :)


Saturday, June 11, 2011

Weird Prep Conversation

Weird Prep Sayings

"The stupidest thing I ever heard"

Okay- Three words. What. The. Flip. What in the world is an I Tone?! Is it some kind of phone?! OH OH okay. I get it. A PINK IPHONE. o_O There is no pink iPhone!!(Good thing.)

..... Sassy what?.... Sway?.. As in trees? Is this person saying their a sassy tree? o_o

 .... I'm not even gonna comment....

If you wanna go so badly THEN GO! D: 

..... I'm gonna try that sometime.. XD To see if its physically possible. :3




Hope you like it :) And if your a cheerleader, I don't mean any offense. I just hate your sayings XD and I know deep down you would never say that in public. xD I hope. 





The Past of The CP Summers!

Hello, CP Steet-ers. :) Today CP Street has decided to go back in time with the CP Yearbooks!
(To see yearbook entries up close, just double click.)

The First Summer of '06

The Summer of '07

The Summer of '08

Summer of '09

Summer of 2010

As you can see, a lot has changed since then. Leave comments on this post please!


Thursday, June 9, 2011

Get Ready For The Music Jam!

Some of you may know what June 16th is a very exciting day for CP. In case you don't, June 16th is the MUSIC JAM! Last year at the music jam, CP was packed with jammers. Check out the CP Yearbook in the book room, (above the coffee shop.) for pics of last year's jam. I will post more updates on the Music Jam! For more info, go to the CP Blog Post: Sneak Peek: What's New In June!

Star- Editor In Chief

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Medieval Party: Inside Look

Today I am reviewing the Medieval Party on CP! Here is a pic of everybody dancing in  the town (There wasn't much people at 9:00am on Monday.) Everything on CP has a medieval look to it, as always. The night club "The Knight Club", Ye Olde Coffee Shop, etc. So whenever you can stop by CP and check it out! :) (Click on the picture to see it in large view.)


Thursday, April 7, 2011

The CP Street Style Guide

Read this to find out what you should look like.
                                                           PREP Cheerleader

To look like a prep, you have to wear a blonde ponytail. Yes, the blonde ponytail is almost essential to be a prep. And so are the white sunglasses. I went online today and I took this picture (No names mentioned, although it IS a real person) of a prep cheerleader. So if you want to be a cheerleader, try copying the picture, or mixing it up a bit.

                                                                       Prep Baby
                   Back in 2008 when the pink earmuffs came out, those were the hits. But around that time you did see a few of these penguins wearing the gold tiara. Ever since it came out in the treasure catalog, this has been the cutest for CP babies.The white scarf is always adorable, (Even the blue, green or yellow will do.) And so is the pink tutu. IF you don't have the tutu, I would suggest wearing the red long johns (They look like pajamas) or the dojo white belt.

                                                                        Casual Girl
                              This style of clothing came out around the beginning of the year 2009, I'm guessing. Ever since then, there has been a variety of hoodies coming out. The flip-flops are a big hit, as well as the brown fluffy boots. But since Spring is here, I would suggest the converse or the flip flops.

Casual Guy
This style is surprisingly similar to the casual girl. Same color, same hoodie, same necklace (O.O) and even an iPod to go with it all. The spiky black hair came out around Nov. 2010 and it's been a big hit since. The next top hairstyles for guys is the blonde spikes (shown top) and red spikes (shown below)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Stadium Crisis- Before & After

After (April 2011) Before (January 2011)

(Click to enlarge)

Is it better? No.. Is it worse? Just a tiny bit. Perhaps it's the Spring Break fever, though. Like I said before, I'm TOTALLY not against the whole high-school roleplaying thing. Just think about it: Do these girls look like they have changed their cheerleading uniform in the last 3 months? I mean- I wouldn't be shocked if I saw the same penguin wearing the same thing in each of these photos!

Better Puffle Bonding!

If you've been on CP in the last few weeks and have fed your puffle, you've probably noticed that they changed from a simple window that popped up, to a whole screen! You can now see a puffle certificate, release your puffle into the wild, and even look through a puffle handbook! If you look to the side, you'll see a screenshot of the new screen. The options are still the same when it come to the basic feeding and grooming, but it's a whole lot awesome-r! (And yes, I am quite aware that my puffle looks as if it is about to barf.) Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy the screenshot and along with this very short post.. I'll be making a lot more lately due to my 3 month break!


Saturday, January 15, 2011

New EPF Gadget

In early 2011, Gary decided to build a gadget called the System-Defender. How does it work? Its a game! If you look below you can a screenshot of the game. Its a bit tricky, and you have to attack the oncoming intruders. You can earn lots of coins in short time, but it takes a lot of skill. As you can see, my high score was about a 0, and I am one of those 'un-skilled' people...
Hope you liked the screenshot and please check back for more awesome CP Updates!! (:

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Coins for Change Results!

Hey guys (: Thanks everybody for doing the Coins for Change, it really means buisiness! Read on to find out the results of the big hit Coins for Change on CP!!!

  • $ 300,000 for building safer places!

  • $ 340,000 for providing medical help!

  • $ 360,000 for providing Earth protection!

Total: $ 3,700,000 !

You guys gave over 1 million dollars in total!! Good job everybody!! =D